open_source_nlThe fourth release of symbIoTe software has been published on GitHub on Nov 16, tagged as version 1.1.0.

In addition to previous v1.0.0 we added these new features:

  • Support for single-attribute access policies in accordance with our Attribute-based Access Control solution
  • Filtering of search results according to access policies specified by platforms. In this way we can limit the visibility of resources registered by platforms to the symbIoTe Core Services for specific users so that they do not appear in all search results.

Relevant repositories in the master branch are listed below:

  • SymbIoTeCore: includes all components implementing the symbIoTe semantic IoT search engine.
  • CoreConfigProperties: contains the needed configuration for the symbIoTe Core.
  • SymbIoTeCloud: includes all the needed components which extend existing IoT platforms with interoperability-related features to become symbIoTe L1-compliant.
  • CloudConfigProperties: contains the needed configuration for the symbIoTe platform-side components.

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