24 October 2017, Sophia Antipolis (FR)
Nextworks has participated to the 2017 edition of the ETSI IoT Week, an extension of the successful ETSI M2M Workshop series, which has become a key event for anyone involved in the development of IoT solutions.
Organized with a dense agenda including an oneM2M Developers’ Tutorial, an ETSI IoT Workshop, and multiple oneM2M Showcases, the event has grouped together worldwide experts in IoT standards management, technology roadmap & planning/development, as well as IoT users and followers.
Mr. Gianluca Insolvibile, managing director at Nextworks and principal investigator in symbIoTe, has presented the symbIoTe approach to IoT platform interoperability at the ETSI IoT Workshop, during a session focused on IoT System Interoperability which grouped representatives from OneM2M, TIM, Deutsche Telekom and University of Brussels.
Insolvibile’s talk entitled “Platform interoperability from the Smart Space to the Cloud” has been centered on how the symbiosis of smart objects across different IoT platforms has been designed in symbIoTe, and has covered aspects of semantic search, resource Information modeling, platform federation, bartering and trading of resources between platforms, interaction of devices in smart spaces, resource migration and roaming of IoT devices.
Lively discussions with the large audience followed the presentation, opening up opportunities for future collaborations for our project on IoT interoperability and its related research and standardization initiatives.
Link to the presentation video: https://vimeo.com/246925460
More information is available about this event online at: http://etsi.org/etsi-iot-week-2017.
More information on symbIoTe prioject are available at: http://www.nextworks.it/en/research/projects/symbiote.