Smart Mobility

The Smart Mobility and Ecological Routing use-case will show how symbIoTe can be used to combine cross-domain data to provide useful services to cities and its citizens.

The Smart Mobility and Ecological Routing use-case addresses the problem of inefficient transportation and poor air quality that many European cities face nowadays. This use case offers the ecologically most preferable routes for motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians based on the available traffic and environmental data acquired through various platforms. This scenario is extremely relevant for people who travel within the major European cities, since a constant exposure to pollutants can cause severe health problems. It is also of the interest of the municipalities’ governing bodies that, by helping their citizens to avoid these health problems, they can reduce health care costs. Additionally, the use-case will provide a way for users to search for Points of Interests, filtered by certain factors such as air quality, noise pollution and parking availability. symbIoTe will empower this use-case by providing platform interoperability, allowing for developers to easily access and handle data from different platforms and domains in the same manner.

The use-case will showcase platform interoperability within the application and cloud domain with a potential for business models for bartering and trading of resources, which also require IoT platform federations. Through symbIoTe, it will be possible to obtain and use air quality data from different platforms without having to worry about their format. Additionally, it will allow the development of reusable applications (enablers) for urban services.

Tom is a 30-year old engineer that has recently bought symbIoTe-compliant gadgets (a smartphone and environmental sensor) so that he can actively contribute to a citizen- driven air quality monitoring campaign in his city. He regularly drives his bike to and back from work, and provides air quality measurements made by his sensor while he is cruising throughout the city on the bike. The sensor measures concentrations of CO and NO2 gases, temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure and reports measurements to a symbIoTe-compliant IoT platform by using Tom’s smartphone application. In addition, Tom can serve as a sensor, playing the human-as-a-sensor role, by annotating the OpenCyclistMap to update information about construction works or traffic jams regarding his daily routes.


In the meantime, Mary, a 25-year old employee of the Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection, would like to benefit from the green campaign for air quality monitoring. She does not have an air quality sensor like Tom, but she uses the symbIoTe application for green route calculation while traveling to work by bike. The green routing application combines data obtained from various symbIoTe-compliant platforms (based on the data provided by Tom and static environmental stations) to calculate an appropriate route for Mary. The application re-routes Mary on-the-fly according to newly received data regarding air quality and notifications provided by other users regarding construction works on her bike trail.

Since Tom and Mary are childhood friends, they have arranged to meet their friends from the old neighborhood. Mary will organize the event in the old neighborhood, but it has changed a lot in the last years and she does not know which coffee shop to choose. She uses a symbIoTe-enabled mobile application that provides a list of potentially interesting points of interests based on her preferences. She asks the application to suggest a coffee shop that is for non-smokers and has silent music playing because they will talk a lot. After finding an appropriate place, she sends the coordinates to her friends. Tom will arrive to the coffee shop by bike using the green route suggested by his symbIoTe-enabled app, while their friend Chris will arrive by car. Chris has recently bought a new hybrid car equipped with various sensors so he contributes with data about air quality on city roads while driving to the meeting place. The symbIoTe routing application finds the fastest route for him since he is late.

Involved partners AIT
Countries involved in the trials Austria
Platforms involved (not finalized) OpenIoT (providing air quality data from mobile devices and wearables)
openUwedat (providing air quality data from fixed sensors plus a routing service for Vienna)
Ubiwhere’s Mobility Backend as a Service – MoBaaS (provides an efficient routing service, as well as traffic and parking data)
OpenStreetMap (3rd party) (provides maps for route planning and a service for searching points of interest)
Number of test users planned 60


The mobility use-case team consisting of Ubiwhere, University of Zagreb and AIT aims at conducting field trials in at least three European cities. All trials are foreseen to be executed with more than 20 participants for period of 30 days with different types of end-users which will actively use the ecological urban routing application and in parallel will contribute with the air quality, parking and traffic data.

 Currently, a first trial for Vienna involving cyclists is under preparation.