A new video tutorial has been prepared by our technical team to explain how to deploy the necessary components of the symbIoTe Cloud and easily transform any IoT platform in a symbIoTe L1-compliant platform.

Follow the tutorial on  our youtube channel to make your IoT platform symbIoTe L1 compliant.



symbIoTe L1 compliance enables interactions between IoT applications and virtualized IoT resources. Level 1 is the “lightweight” compliance level in symbIoTe, since the IoT platform opens up only its Interworking Interface to third parties in order to advertise and offer its virtualized resources through the symbIoTe Core Services. L1 compliance enables the syntactic and semantic interoperability of IoT platforms in a symbIoTe ecosystem. We have previously described in a blog post the conceptual steps to  “make an IoT platform symbIoTe enabled“.

If you look for details on tutorial contents and want to access our code,  visit our GitHub project at https://github.com/symbiote-h2020/SymbioteCloud/wiki.

For any further information, contact us at info@symbiote-h2020.eu.