Hosted at ATOS SPAIN premises in Madrid, we’ve successfully completed
the review of our 2nd Open Call partners on last Nov 15th.
We enjoyed the various demos prepared by our OC2 colleagues and
we had the chance to assess the outstanding work done by the 15 projects with our Middleware.
The OC2 evaluation of results came at the end of the OC2 projects execution. It was organised to evaluate the level of completion of the respective development plans, how much the projects covered the full spectrum of the symbIoTe features to implement IoT interoperation (Compliance Levels). The event was structured in two parts: demonstrations from the projects and business workshop.
Demonstration session
The symbIoTe Core was also interestingly tested with 3 new Apps developed by OC2 projects:
- IoT4ED by IoT Lab @CUT designed an application by students for students. Two teams (6 boys and 6 girls) could exercise to learn the effect of pollution and air quality gathering data from different sensors, historical data, indication of pollution. Data comparison between cities was done comparing real-time data with past data gathered in August via symbIoTe for averages calculations.
- ComfortMeter by Tecnalia is a Urban Comfort Metering mobile application which collects data from the sensors and also from the questionnaires for the users (including some gamification). It collects data from OpenIoT sensors (thorugh symbIoTe), access to SMEUR enabler to gather PoI information, collects noise data with microphone to create maps of environmental comfort (aggregate by cities, post-codes or area).
- Envi4All is an Air Quality Hub – a real-time air quality application, crowdsourced, capable of air-pollution statistics and forecasts. Their data are collected from symbIoTe sensors (OpenIoT and openUWEDAT) and CAMS Copernicus (, and SymbIoTe Green route enabler is also used for the proposal of the routing.
The various demos allowed us to assess pros and cons of our middleware platform. We are greatly benefiting of the work from our third parties who had to interface either to our middleware or program on it to further improve the quality of our software results.
Business development session
After this set of demonstrations which also validated the approach we followed to structure the symbIoTe middleware, we’ve run through an exciting business development session with our OC2 partners and discussed their business strategies and future plans to make use of symbIoTe functionalities in their products. We’ve got good feedbacks on new business models and services that can be enabled by symbIoTe and almost all the partners expressed interest to continue using symbIoTe and integrate interoperability in their solutions.
To maximise the impact of our event in Madrid and promote symbIoTe, we organised on Nov 14th evening a preparatory IoT meetup workshop together with VICINITY project to discuss how interoperable platforms can support business development: we met IoT platform providers, app developers, sensors’ providers, and discussed with them how to build an open, interoperable and secure IoT while keeping the ownership of the data exchanged.
The symbIoTe ecosystem continues to grow with the power of a symbIoTe middleware !